Green For All is a nonprofit organization focused on green jobs as a means to build a green economy and lift people out of poverty. Solving economic and environmental problems at the same time makes sense.
In January 2013, Green For All, the U.S. EPA, and Amplify Public Affairs presented Be Green 2013 – National Summit on Environmental Education and Sustainability in Washington D.C. I watched it streamed live to my lap top. Phaedra Ellis–Lamkins, CEO of Green For All, acted as the host and moderator. She is an enthusiastic and inspiring leader for the green economy movement.
I decided to see what’s new on the Green For All website and write about the organization.
Green For All Mission
“Green For All is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans through a clean energy economy. We work in collaboration with the business, government, labor, and grassroots communities to increase quality jobs and opportunities in the green industry – all while holding the most vulnerable people at the center of our agenda.”
Green For All Focus Areas
In addition to promoting training and job creation, Green For All advocates and influences businesses and government policy in several areas including: clean air and water, fixing the transportation system, upgrading homes and buildings to save energy, and access to healthy food.
Central to green jobs is encouraging businesses and agencies to take the “high road” by ensuring projects provide jobs for the people who need them most and benefiting people in the community.
Green For All Programs
- Business Engagement – offers education, mentoring, and coaching for green entrepreneurs.
- Communities of Practice – connects people across the country who are working on the same issue.
- College Ambassadors – develops the next generation of green leaders.
- The Fellowship – supports on-the-ground leaders in the movement.
Partnerships leverage the knowledge and strengths of other organizations in support of Green For All programs. For instance, through a partnership with University of Phoenix, Green Business Academies are held throughout the U.S. to aid green entrepreneurs. Business mentoring and coaching is offered through partnerships with Accenture and International Coach Federation. SCORE conducts a series of workshops to help people start a business, from developing a business plan to building a website.
Green For All Website
Visitors to the Green For All website will find information and inspiration. Learn about the history of the organization, current campaigns, and how to get involved.
Consider taking action by signing up for the newsletter, making a donation, joining the movement, or watching and sharing a video. What the (bleep) is the Green Economy? is one of my favorites.
Resources: Green For All